Kuppi Talk: The Column

‘Kuppi Talk’, published fortnightly since March, 2021 in The Island is a critical space for activism, dialogue and reflection on free public education, particularly higher education in Sri Lanka. Our articles are published in Sinhala and Tamil in the Anidda and Eelanadu newspapers respectively.

The case for a ‘university’

Once education is ‘dumbed down’ thus, reduced to a process of acquiring a qualification and a set of competencies as evidence of such, there is...

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Say NO to reforms in higher education

The Parliamentary Select Committee on Education recently released its report on its programme for reforms in general education and higher education. Headed by Dr. Wijedasa...

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Gender and sexuality in the classroom

The classroom is believed to be a site that nourishes scholarship, diversity, creativity and dissent. It should facilitate students and teachers of diverse genders and...

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The Future is female?

Statistics from the University Grants Commission (UGC) for 2020 show that out of 109,660 students that constituted the UGC intake for the year, 64.3 %...

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Education at a time of economic crisis

The current economic crisis has hit the country’s education sector severely. From pre-school children to undergraduates, students, teachers and non-academic staff attached to our educational...

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Caste and Education in the North

Recently, a Panchamar caste community—a collection of five caste-based communities subjected to systemic oppression and exploitation historically and forming a significant share of Jaffna’s population...

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In defence of free education

Sighs of hopelessness and shrugs of resignation follow the phone calls and virtual meetings that reflect my pandemic reality, as we discuss our lives, others,...

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The Question of English

By Nicola Perera The Arts Faculty admits and graduates the largest number of students every year. The private sector tells us that most are unemployable...

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Decolonising SL universities

Recent socio-political debates in Sri Lanka on higher education suggest that universities are being viewed as neo-liberal institutions set up to produce human capital for...

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Funding Fallacies in Education

The education system in Sri Lanka is often vilified as being outdated. But the demand for free public education has not relented. Primary and secondary...

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